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Many faculty I know who maintain a public digital identity reflect frequently and thoughtfully on their teaching with regular blogging. I don't tend to do that, unless there's some specific technology or unique pedagogy that I've been tried out in a semester, like w...

Kumu ( is a web-based tool for exploring systems and relationships between actors in a network. It can be used to map related concepts, related people, or really anything that can be understood as "elements" and "connections between those elements." In one of my classes last year, I create...

Slack is communication software popular for handling workplace information flow, project management, customer support, and all kinds of other things. It's useful for professional teams, but it's also convenient for just about any other community that needs a quick place for synchronous and asynchro...

Your phrases and their respondent images still keep within me. The cold water lapping at your ankles, threatening to pull you down into “Freezing meadows stretched to the horizon like a million blue pages”

Cover by Anthony Seippel
'Cover' by Anthony Seippel

This epigraph is a quote from House of Leaves, a book in which a complex and maze-li...

Over the past fall and the summer semesters, I've been participating in an exciting pilot program at my university called UMW Domains (or sometimes, "A Domain of One's Own"). The basic idea is to give students their own domain names and some webhosting, which they can then use to construct their d...

In many of my classes, I've have an opportunity to discuss the poetic, sublime, cliche and now inevitable Passage, a game well-known for being well-known as an art game (or artgame). As a game or game-like thing about life and death, its approachable style and memento mori theme are sufficiently...

This semester (Fall 2012), I'm teaching ENGL 202H: Writing through Media, a so-called "special topics in writing" seminar that has become one of my standby's. The history of the course is actually kind of interesting, since it goes back to my graduate school experience teaching "ENG 1131: Writing th...